How Will I Know If My Dog Is Pregnant?

It doesn't take much time for an unspayed dog to become pregnant. It can, however, be difficult to determine that there is in fact a viable pregnancy. In some cases, you may not get a confirmation of a pregnancy until she is halfway through her gestation.
  1. Understanding a Female's Cycle

    • Dogs are able to become pregnant the first time between 5 and 24 months of age, according to "The Merck Veterinary Manual." A single reproductive cycle in female dogs lasts anywhere from three to 13 months with a window of about six to 12 days at the end of this cycle where she is in "heat" and therefore fertile. A pregnancy starts about 18 days after fertilization or mating and gestation is about two months. Signs of a dog in heat include a bloody discharge and swollen vulva. If your dog was around an unneutered male while in heat, there is a good chance she is pregnant.

    Physical Examination and Pregnancy Test

    • The two sections of the uterus start to swell within several days of implantation and double in size every week, according to "The Merck Veterinary Manual." As part of a physical examination, your veterinarian will be able to feel your dog's swollen uterus by palpating the abdominal area of your dog. At the veterinarian exam, your dog can also have a blood pregnancy test. If she is at least 30 days pregnant, the test will confirm the pregnancy.


    • By six weeks of pregnancy, an X-ray will show the pups growing inside mom. X-rays may be used to determine how many puppies there are and to see if all are growing at a normal rate. X-rays done earlier may not pick up some or all of the puppies as the babies do not yet have a well-developed skeleton. An X-ray to determine how many pups there are gives valuable information for the birth day. If fewer puppies are born than was seen on X-ray, then call your veterinarian immediately for advice.

    Ultrasound and Doppler

    • Ultrasounds pick up images of the puppies about a week or two earlier than X-rays. A Doppler instrument will allow you to hear the heartbeats and other womb sounds earlier as well. The heart rates of the puppies will be two to three times faster than the mom's heartbeat. With several puppies, it will be difficult to pick out an individual heart rate, however.

    Late Stages

    • In the last few days of pregnancy, in some dogs it becomes obvious that she is pregnant. Just before delivery, her teats will swell and you may see the puppies moving inside her abdomen. Her behavior is likely to change as well as she seeks out a safe comfortable place to have her babies.