Dog Miscarriage Symptoms

Miscarriage in dogs is also known as spontaneous abortion, and it refers to the death and expulsion or resorption of a fetus or multiple fetuses before the end of pregnancy occurs. It is possible for the mother dog to miscarry one puppy while bearing the others to term. Learning more about the signs of miscarriage in dogs can help you take action in the event that it occurs.
  1. Vaginal Bleeding

    • A dog that has miscarried may bleed from its vaginal opening. Bleeding from the vagina is a sign that the dog needs to see a veterinarian, who may be able to clearly diagnose the issue.

    Expulsion of the Fetus

    • In some cases, the dog may expel a fetus or fetuses from its body. This is most common in late-term miscarriages where the puppies are mostly fully formed, and a common cause of this type of miscarriage is fetal death due to a hormonal imbalance in the mother.

    Stomach Deflation

    • A pregnant dog will have a swollen stomach, and a dog who has miscarried and reabsorbed the fetuses will have a stomach that shrinks back to normal. This may be the only sign of a miscarriage that happens early in the pregnancy.


    • According to Pet People's Place, a dog who has experienced a miscarriage may show signs of illness. Fever and lethargy are both signs that can accompany a miscarriage. Owners and their pregnant dog should make a visit to the veterinarian if a dog seems ill during its pregnancy.