How to Find Puppy Ancestry Pedigrees Online

Pedigrees are the ancestral lines of a puppy. For an average mutt, finding this information may not be important. For someone looking to breed purebred dogs, however, it is usually a vital step. With the voluminous information on the Internet, many puppy owners turn to online sources to track pedigrees. Finding the pedigree line for your puppy online can be an easy task, or it can be a nearly impossible one.


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      Look to the American Kennel Club (AKC) website for the best chance to track a pedigree. There is a fee-per-use service on their website that allows you to enter information about your puppy to purchase a pedigree chart showing at least four generations back. You can even order copies that show awards that the ancestors have won. This service only works if your puppy or its parents have been registered with the AKC.

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      If the AKC produces no results, some lesser-known registry services you can research with include American Stock Dog Registry (ASDR) and American Pet Registry Inc. (APRI). If you wish to save time, there are independent companies like Canine Pedigree Inc. and Pedigree Services that will research the full list of registry companies for you.

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      Search for free pedigree databases if you prefer not to pay a fee for the information. Most of the free websites, like the Pedigree Database or Paw Village, have information uploaded by users. You enter as much information about your puppy that you know, and others do the same. With some luck, the lines between users intersect and you may be able to piece together a lineage for your pet.

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      Check with the breeder who you purchased your puppy from. Some breeders have websites with the ancestral lines of all of their dogs displayed. In some cases, breeders will have litters listed for young pups who they have sold rather than names. If you know the month and year of your puppy's birth, you may be able to track his pedigree by his birth date.