Signs & Symptoms of Labor in a Dog

Labor in dogs takes between 9 and 18 hours on average, according to the "Clinical Textbook for Veterinary Technicians." In some cases, it can take up to 60 hours--2 1/2 days. A common misconception holds that labor begins when contractions are evident, but labor technically begins when a dog starts showing signs and symptoms of the impending births and not when contractions begin. Speak to a licensed veterinary professional if you are concerned about your dog's pregnancy or feel complications are present.
  1. Behavior

    • At the beginning of labor, bitches may show signs of restlessness. Pacing back and forth, whining and the inability to stay still all present when a dog is about to give birth. Before labor begins, dogs show nesting behaviors, including gathering blankets, in preparation for the birth of their puppies. Nervousness, anxiety, panting, lack of appetite and shaking or shivering may be present, according to the "Clinical Textbook for Veterinary Technicians."


    • In 85 percent of dogs, the average body temperature drops to 99 degrees Fahrenheit 24 hours before labor begins. This is a strong indicator that whelping is close and is directly linked to the drop in progesterone in the dog's body. A dog's normal temperature ranges from 100 to 102.5 F, so it is important to be vigilant about taking the dog's temperature at the same time each day to get a sense of what is normal. Heavy activity, stress or illness may also cause a dog's temperature to deviate from the normal range, so take the dog's temperature at the same time every day before any activity occurs, states the "Clinical Textbook for Veterinary Technicians."

    Physical Signs

    • Milk production begins 24 hours before giving birth, according to the "Clinical Veterinary Advisor." The dog's labia and vulva become enlarged and soften in texture. Vaginal discharge turns thick and turns green or greenish black a few hours before delivery occurs. Contractions usually begin after the vaginal discharge turns green and increase in severity. Each puppy is delivered individually, taking between 20 and 60 minutes per pup with no more than 2 hours between each delivery.


    • Dogs experiencing complicated labor, dystocia, show strong, continual contractions for 30 or more minutes without an escalation in intensity. Contractions that appear on and off for two hours or more are also indicators that a dog may be having a problematic labor experience. A long interval of more than two hours between the delivery of pups is also a strong indication that veterinary assistance is needed.