How to Determine Pregnancy in Dogs

Whether you are intentionally breeding your dog, or you think she got pregnant by accident, determining pregnancy in dogs is important. To get an absolute confirmation of pregnancy, you should take your dog to the veterinarian because that is the only way to get a pregnancy test. That said, knowing the symptoms of pregnancy in dogs will help you decide whether or not a visit to the vet is necessary.


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      Check the underside of your dog. A female dog's nipples become enlarged, they change color slightly, and the fur around them will recede, so her puppies have easier access to them when they are born. This is one of the first outward signs of dog pregnancy.

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      Pay attention to your dog's appetite. Initially, pregnant dogs experience an increase in appetite, but like humans, female dogs often experience a bit of queasiness when they are expecting. However, in dogs this pregnancy nausea doesn't always cause vomiting; in most cases you will only notice a decline in appetite or refusal to eat.

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      Keep an eye on your dog's tummy. You should notice that she is gaining weight, and her abdomen is becoming larger and firmer. Toward the end of her pregnancy her stomach will hang low, and the movement of the puppies inside can be observed visually. You can feel her pups around six weeks' gestation, but it is not advisable to probe her abdomen without guidance from a vet.

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      Watch for signs of nesting. Just like humans, a female dog will begin to prepare for her puppies by grooming herself often and looking for a good place to give birth. Your dog may seem restless, wandering around and sniffing things more than normal.