Supplements for a Female Dog Not Producing Milk After the Litter

Like humans, female dogs sometimes do not produce enough milk naturally to feed their entire litter. Typical signs that the litter is not getting enough milk are constant crying, weight loss and inactivity. When this happens, herbs known as galactagogues can be used to increase lactation. Galactagogues can be found at most health food stores.
  1. Milk Thistle

    • Milk thistle (Silybum Adans) is a flowering plant native to the Mediterranian regions of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Milk thistle seeds are the best part of the plant for use as a galactagogue. For treatment in animals, grind up 1 teaspoon of milk thistle seeds and mix with some wet dog food. This remedy can be fed to the dog three times each day for increased milk production.

    Goat's Rue

    • Goat's rue (Galega Officinalis) is an effective galactagogue that stimulates production directly in the mammary glands. Goat's rue is so consistantly potent as a galactagogue that it is the active ingredient in the prescription Galactogil. This herb was first used on dairy cows to increase milk production. The farmers who used it reported that their cows produced 35 to 50 percent more milk. Administer goat's rue to your dog by mixing in one opened supplement pellet with some soft dog food twice a day.


    • Fennel (Foeniculum) when used as a galactagogue stimulates the ejection reflex (let-down). This is especially useful for weak or improperly latching pups, as it allows them to trigger the milk supply faster. Fennel seed can either be ground and mixed with food or steeped in a tea and given to the dog orally.