Puppy Whelping Information

Whelping is a term for the birthing process of canines. The mother dog, or dam, can give birth to one or several puppies, depending on her breed. Understanding the birthing process is important for anyone who intends to breed their dogs.
  1. Preparation

    • Preparing for your dog to give birth is an important step in the whelping process. Make a list of all items needed before, during and after the process.

    Whelping Box

    • A whelping box is a must, as it provides the mother and her pups a safe place away from the stress of everyday life. It should be large enough to keep puppies in and keep a cool draft out; but still small enough that a mother dog can come and go as she pleases.


    • Signs of labor include a drop in body temperature, restlessness, vomiting, frequent urination, refusal to eat, vaginal discharge, grunting, pushing and contractions.

    Cleaning the Puppies

    • During the birthing process, the mother dog may or may not clean her pups. Some mothers may clean each pup as it comes out, while others may need extra help getting the pups clean while she gives birth to the remainder of the litter.


    • Always have a veterinarian on call for emergency situations involving a difficult birth, such as a puppy getting stuck in the birth canal or loss of contractions.