An Example of a Game for a Dog

Dog lovers looking to have a fun time with their pet can't go wrong with a spirited game of fetch. In addition to featuring a simple objective for your dog, fetch provides high-strung canines with the perfect outlet for excess energy. If you're ready to have fun with your dog, grab a few tennis balls and head to the nearest park.
  1. How to Play

    • The mechanics of the game are easy. Simply throw your fetch toy of choice and tell your dog to retrieve it. If your dog is young and energetic, it should enjoy the toy being thrown a long distance. Smaller dogs, older dogs and dogs with short legs tend to be more comfortable fetching toys that aren't thrown very far.

    Game Tools

    • Adding to its wide appeal, the game of fetch can be played with an assortment of easy-to-obtain essentials. The game is typically played with a tennis ball or Frisbee, however, it's not uncommon for dog owners to use sticks, miniature footballs or squeak toys. Dog owners who don't have much of a throwing arm should look into purchasing one of the affordable ball-flinging devices made exclusively for the game of fetch.

    Where to Play

    • Smaller dogs who aren't built for heavy exercise are fine playing fetch indoors; larger, more energetic dogs should play the game outside. If your home doesn't have a fenced-in yard, take your pet to a nearby park, dog park or beach. Remember that certain beaches and public parks have strict leash laws.

    Game Training

    • Some dogs have a difficult time grasping the concept of returning the toy to their owner and prefer to hang onto it themselves. If your dog displays a hesitancy to return the fetch toy, try enticing the dog with treats and offer positive reinforcement when the dog drops the toy as instructed. The dog will soon come to associate the toy being thrown with prompt retrieval.