Training a Dog for Jogging

Working your dog into your daily jogging routine can be a way for your pet to keep fit the same way you do. If you don't have a running partner, a dog can become your companion to keep you motivated on the run and help you get into the gym shoes and out to the track in the early mornings. Before you head out together for the first time, though, have a veterinarian check out your dog to ensure the animal's body can handle the activity.
  1. Temperature Concerns

    • Dogs do not sweat. They have a different and less effective method of reducing their body temperature -- they pant instead. Therefore, allow your dog to run through puddles or standing water so they can cool down. If you are running on a hot day, allow for regular drinking stops. Your canine friend will need to consume more water than you do.

    Best Dogs for Running

    • Not all types of dogs are suited to jogging. High-energy breeds are the best dogs for jogging, including greyhounds and Labrador retrievers. Dog breeds with short nasal tracks, like bulldogs, are less suited to running, as they are less able to cool themselves effectively. Wait for your dog to be fully grown before jogging with it, as this will ensure its bones have matured enough. For bigger dogs, this likely means about age 10 to 14 months; for smaller dogs, you could start as early as 6 months old. Avoid running with older dogs because they might not have the ability to keep up with your pace.

    Choose Your Path Carefully

    • As a human, you can deal with a great range of terrain, especially when you have a pair of running shoes on your feet. Be aware that your dog will be less capable; rough terrain may damage its joints, and paths that are littered may hurt its paws. It is wise to stick to trails; softer surfaces are better for a dog's body, and being in the shade will help with the dog̵7;s cooling.

    Start Slow

    • When you first started jogging, you didn't run a marathon -- so when you take your dog out jogging for the first time, go easy on it. Just because dogs like to run doesn't mean you should take them out for a marathon distance. Keep any jogging distance relatively short and watch your pet for signs that it wants to stop. Remember you are jogging as partners, so make sure you run at a pace that will suit you both. The dog's paws will have to get used to running, so if you notice any paw tenderness, stop running with your dog for a few days to allow it to heal.