Games for a Border Collie

Border collies are an energetic, working breed originally bred in Britain for herding livestock. Their owners must provide them with games that allow them to act on their working instincts, or they will find their own work. The games must be both physically and mentally stimulating and can range from simple to complex.
  1. Hunting Games

    • Hunting games are effective in providing mental stimulation. These games can be a simple as hiding a border collie's dinner in piles around the house. Another hunting game is to fill a puzzle toy with treats, show it to the border collie, make the dog stay or have someone hold it, and then hide the toy. The owner comes back and commands the border collie to "find it." For the first few games, show the border collie where the toy is and then praise it for picking it up.


    • Fetch is an excellent physical game for border collies. The owner shows the border collie its favorite toy and tosses it a short distance. When the dog follows the toy, the owner praises it and when it picks up the toy, the owner commands it to come. When it comes, the owner commands it to "drop" and rewards the dog with a treat.


    • Hide-and-seek is a mentally challenging game, perfect for the highly intelligent border collie. The owner has someone hold the dog, goes to another room with treats in hand, hides and commands it to come. When it comes, the owner rewards it with a treat. The game starts with easy hiding spots, progresses to more difficult spots and then is tried outside.

    Formal Training

    • Border collies excel in competitive sporting events including sheep dog trials, agility, Frisbee and obedience. They also serve well as search and rescue and blind guide dogs. Joining a group offering formal training in these areas provides effective mental and physical stimulation.