Are Chihuahuas Good With Children?

For a family considering adopting or purchasing a Chihuahua, there are a number of concerns. A large issue is whether or not the tiny pooches are good with children. Every dog is different; no two personalities and temperaments are alike, but there are steps you can take to insure the safety of your family.
  1. What is a Chihuahua?

    • Chihuahua's are tiny dogs, standing anywhere from 6 to 9 inches, and are considered a healthy weight at only 6 lbs. This breed comes in two coats: long- and short-haired. The dogs of the long-haired variety are thought to be a bit more agreeable than their counterparts. The short-haired Chihuahua shed more than the long-haired variety, though both require regular grooming. Chihuahuas, no matter the coat, are rather sensitive to cold due to their small size. In extremely cold climates, they require a jacket or sweater to keep the chill away.

    The Temperment of a Chihuahua

    • Temperament is always different depending on the dog, since no two are the same. One dog may be gentle and sweet, while another might be skittish and irritable around new people. One thing that seems the same in this breed is that, although these dogs are small, they do not know their size and often bark at and challenging larger animals. To prevent this, socialize Chihuahuas with dogs and people when they are young. Doing so makes them more comfortable in situations they may find stressful if they are un-socialized.

    Physical Issues of a Chihuahua

    • Chihuahua's are small, and their frames are rather delicate. They can be injured easily from a fall or from pulling something over, not to mention this breed has a soft-spot right on top of their heads. Their small size also means they can be carried away by large birds of prey or even injured by other dogs of a larger breed. One must handle these dogs gently; do not hug them too tightly or lay on them. Though they are tenacious little dogs, they are still just little dogs which must be handled with care.

    Compatibility with Children

    • It is alright to have a Chihuahua with children, if the children are older and the dog is well socialized. Train it to see the children as a member of its family, instead of a danger. This prevents growling, scratching or snapping. Small children are not advised around a Chihuahua for the safety of both of them. Younger children often do not know their own strength, and may accidentally hurt the dog which causes it to retaliate in kind with a bite or a snarl. If you must have a Chihuahua in a house with small children, supervise them around the dog so all are safe.