How to Minimize Dust and Hair in a Home with Multiple Dogs

Multiple dogs in a home will mean lots of shed fur, but that doesn't mean your home must play host to clumps constantly collecting in corners and under furniture. Dogs shed in the spring and fall, but proper feeding and grooming will greatly reduce the amount of hair left around the home. Additionally, there are breeds that shed less and are better in homes where people suffer allergies.

Things You'll Need

  • Grooming brushes
  • Quality dog food
  • HEPA vacuum filter
  • Air purifier
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      Feed dogs a high-quality food containing more than 20 percent protein and omega fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Add a fish oil supplement to the food daily to enhance coat health and reduce shedding. A poor diet can cause year-round shedding. The amount of hair lost often is attributed to the health of the coat. Frequent shedding can be limited through a more nutritious diet.

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      Long-haired dogs require more frequent brushing.

      Groom the dogs weekly. Some breeds require more frequent brushing, but all dogs should be brushed at least weekly to remove dead hair and the undercoat. A pin brush is an all-purpose tool that keeps coats healthy, while a shedding rake is excellent for removing undercoat and loose fur. Pin brushes come with various pin lengths and stiffness. Ask a pet store for help choosing one that best suits your dogs' coat types.

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      Give the dogs a warm bath during shedding season before grooming. This helps release the hair and makes it easier to brush out dead hair. Dogs typically shed in spring and fall preparing for new coat growth.

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      Use a forced-air blower on dogs that shed excessively or to remove hair and dander quickly. Use a forced-air blower that operates without heat. Brush the dog after blowing on it to remove excess, loose hair.

      Never direct a blower at a dog's ears or eyes, and always start slowly so that the dog can become accustomed to the blower's sound and feel of the air. Use a grooming table with an attached arm to blow a dog, and never leave it unattended with a blower going. Use the coolest setting possible, and avoid overuse. A hair dryer will dry a dog's skin.

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      Households with multiple dogs can be dust-free by vacuuming with a HEPA air filter.

      Use a vacuum with a HEPA air filter, and consider using an air purifier to remove dander and fur from the home. These tools are recommended by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America for people with allergies to dog hair.