How to Make Your Dog Less Needy

A dog that depends on his owner's attention for security and happiness can be difficult to deal with if he is separated from that individual. Some needy dogs may exhibit attention-seeking behavior, whereas other dogs may suffer from separation anxiety --- they need the presence of their owners and become agitated when they are away. These dogs are characterized by nervous, agitated or even frantic actions that may result in bad or destructive behaviors. Such actions and behaviors subside when the needy dog is reunited with his owner. However, dogs can be conditioned to be less needy on specific individuals, and responsible owners should take steps to correct this dependency.


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      Schedule an examination with a veterinarian. Any dog that is not acting normally should first be examined by a veterinarian to rule out underlying health issues that may be causing a behavioral problem.

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      Create a safe place for the dog that will be used when conditioning the animal to be apart from his owner or left completely alone. Do not shut the dog up in a silent, featureless room; convert a room with windows into a safe place and include a favorite toy and comfortable surfaces on which to sleep.

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      Condition the needy dog to being separated from his owner. Leave the dog in the safe place for short periods of time. Start by placing the dog in the space and leaving the animal for 5 minutes before returning and rewarding the dog with attention. Gradually increase the time the dog is asked to stay calmly in the safe place.

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      Avoid picking up or carrying the dog. Constantly holding a dog can cause him to become fearful when he is not being carried or held. Encourage dogs to explore on their own --- without the assistance of their owners.

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      Establish that separation is not unusual or unpleasant. When at home, owners should occasionally shut doors behind them or put dogs in the safe place. Needy dogs must understand that being away from their owners is not a punishment. Open a closed door or retrieve the dog from his space when he is calm and not demanding attention.

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      Ignore attention-seeking behaviors. These types of actions include barking, whining, scratching or jumping up at people. By responding to these behaviors, owners reward needy dogs. By ignoring them, they are communicating that the behavior does not result in a reward.

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      Ensure that you provide all the requisites for a dog that exhibits needy behavior --- for example, these dogs may need more exercise to shed excess energy. Some needy dogs may be bored when they are left alone; so, owners should provide interactive toys when they are away.