How to Jog with a Chihuahua

Your chihuahua is a petite dog with short legs, and is the smallest of all dog breeds. Deciding to include your little companion in your jogging routine requires preparation. Like other dogs, it needs exercise to stay healthy. Jogging with your chihuahua has its challenges because it cannot go as fast as bigger dogs, nor can the small dog go as far. Adjusting your routine to make your chihuahua comfortable will keep it healthy and happy.


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      Get your chihuahua examined by the vet to make sure it is healthy enough to run. Chihuahuas have short muzzles, so the doctor will need to make sure its airway can handle the physical stress of running.

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      Keep your jogging routine to short distances at a slower pace to ensure that your little dog can keep up. Since chihuahua's are so small, they don't need to go as fast or as far as bigger dogs to get a good workout.

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      Train your dog to "heel" before starting a jogging regimen. If your chihuahua gets ahead of you, ask the dog to heel. It will fall back into place next to you, and you will be less likely to step on the dog or get tangled in the leash.

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      Feed your chihuahua after your workout to avoid a serious condition called "bloat." It could end up needing surgery due to this condition if you feed it directly before exercising vigorously. You can give your chihuahua water in small amounts throughout the run.

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      Avoid jogging while it's hot outside. Go out during the cooler parts of the morning and evening. Doing so will limit the possibility of your chihuahua becoming dehydrated and developing heatstroke. Remember, it does not wear shoes, so the pads of its feet are not protected from hot surfaces

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      Use a leash that is not retractable but will give your chihuahua room to move around. A leash that is too long could cause you to trip and gives your dog too much room to get into trouble. A 6-foot leash is ideal.