Home Remedy for a Dog Chewing and Teething

Chewing and teething is a natural behavior for all dogs. Chewing and teething can destroy furniture, clothing and electronics. If you would like to keep your dog from teething on your possessions, there are several things that you can do. You don't have to keep your dog secluded while it is teething. You can cure it yourself with little hassle.
  1. Spray Deterrent

    • Buy a spray deterrent and use it around your home. These are designed to deter a dog from chewing your possessions. Some of the most common flavors are sour grapes and bitter apples. Apply the deterrent to everything that your dog likes to chew.


    • Buy a lot of toys and make them readily available to your dog. If there are no toys around when they feel the need to chew, they will chew your things. Don't buy the same toys for your dog. Give them a variety of rawhide, plastic chew toys and rope toys.

    Walking Your Dog

    • Walk your dog more than you normally would. Walking your dog forces it to expel the energy that gets it anxious. Walking your dog will help it sleep more and keep it from chewing. Chewing is done out of boredom so keep the dog occupied.


    • Keep your dog in a crate when you are not around the home. The more that you keep your dog in a crate, the more it will start to associate it as its "Safe Zone." Put the toys in the crate with the dog. This will allow it to chew on the toys and relieve its boredom while crated.