How to Imprint a Puppy for Scouting

Imprinting a puppy refers to dealing with the fear imprint period that occurs when the dog is 8 to 12 weeks old and socializing the dog properly so it develops appropriate dog social skills. Failure to imprint a dog properly means that the dog might respond in fear to a variety of stimuli and it will have difficulty bonding with other dogs. If you'd like to prepare your companion for Dog Scouting later on, you must take care to imprint the dog properly while it's young.

Things You'll Need

  • Treats
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      Create a low-stress, low-noise, soothing home environment. Play low, soothing music. Avoid shouting, dropping large heavy objects and loud noises.

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      Take your puppy out for daily play-dates with other friendly dogs. Allow the puppy to naturally learn dog greetings and socialization practices. Avoid overly aggressive dogs during this stage, as it could traumatize your dog.

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      Play with your puppy's paws daily so it won't resist later on to getting its nails cut. Pull on its ears and tail gently every day so it has a relaxed disposition about people touching its body.

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      Introduce your puppy to new experiences very gently. For example, if your dog is afraid of a toy or new person, don't force that toy or new person on the puppy immediately. Take baby steps and allow the dog to get comfortable very gradually. Reward the dog with praise and treats.

    • 5

      Take your puppy for car rides several times a week. Introduce the puppy to children gradually. Praise your puppy constantly for its efforts.