How to Do Up a Puppy Packet for Yorkie-Terriers

When you adopt out a Yorkie-terrier puppy to a new owner, the thought of how this new owner will care for the puppy might cause you some apprehension; it might even make you hesitate to give up the Yorkie-terrier puppy at all. New dog owners might not have the first clue about taking care of a puppy, and if the owner has never had a Yorkie-terrier, then he might not know the special considerations that this breed demands. Making up a simple Yorkie-terrier puppy information packet to give to the new owner can help ease some of these concerns.


    • 1

      Let the new Yorkie-terrier puppy owner know what he's in for. Because this dog was originally bred for hunting, it's a very curious, courageous and lively animal, with lots of energy. The new dog owner should be prepared to deal with this type of personality.

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      Talk more about the hunting instinct. Yorkie-terriers need to be watched carefully outside because if they see a small animal, such as a squirrel or bunny, they will try to kill it. For this reason, the owner should never keep rodents as pets if he has a Yorkie-terrier.

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      Warn the new dog owner about the Yorkie-terrier's territorial personality traits. The Yorkie-terrier puppy will establish dominance over other pets and might not take kindly to companion animals brought into the household after it. If the owner plans to have multiple pets, he should get them while the Yorkie-terrier is still a puppy.

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      Include information about how to keep a Yorkie-terrier safe. These are definitely inside dogs that need to be treated very gently. Like other small dog breeds, a Yorkie-terrier puppy can be injured very easily because of its small, weak body structure. Small children are not a good idea with Yorkie-terriers because these dogs are so prone to injury. Yorkie-terriers can eat a normal diet, but do not generally require as much exercise as larger breeds.

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      Add that the dog owner should start training his Yorkie-terrier puppy early. This breed can be a bit tough to train; consistency and early training will be key. Some games that can be used to train Yorkie-terriers include fetch, tracking games, hide and seek, and agility activities. Because of their high energy and love of excitement, Yorkie-terriers respond well to these activities.

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      Write a section on grooming Yorkie-terriers. They need to be bathed and brushed more often than some other breeds because of their long, silky hair. Hair around the rectum and underneath the dog's paw also needs to be trimmed; some people choose to trim the ear hair, as well. Because trimming without experience can be dangerous, suggest that the new dog owner take his Yorkie-terrier puppy to a professional dog groomer for these tasks.

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      Suggest that the new Yorkie-terrier owner make lots of time for his puppy to ensure bonding occurs. Someone who must leave the house for eight to nine hours a day for work is not an ideal puppy owner. Puppies should not be left alone for more than four hours. Because Yorkie-terriers love people, attention and excitement, they will become especially lonely and unhappy when left alone for long periods of time.