How to Stop Pugs From Fighting

Pugs are small dogs with a distinctive short-muzzled, wrinkled face. These adorable dogs are affectionate and friendly, which makes them suitable for pets for the whole family. Although some dog breeds are specifically raised to fight, others may fight for various reasons. Pugs, just like any other dog, may fight at some point. Certain factors can initiate fights between dogs, some of which can be avoided. There are several simple tips that can help you stop your pugs from fighting.


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      Identify early warning signs of a dog fight. Some signs that may indicate a fight include snarling, low growling, a stiff tail that is pointed upward or intense staring between the pugs.

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      Teach your pugs how to understand eye contact. Communicating with your pugs through eye contact is an effective way to stop them from fighting. Call your dogs by their names. When they respond and come to you, praise and reward them with a treat. Stoop down and put the treat between the dogs eyes and your eyes to encourage eye contact.

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      Use a firm voice to command your pugs if you suspect a fight is about to start. Use a command that they are accustomed to such as "Down" or "No." Reward them for good behavior with praises and treats. Make sure that you use consistency each time to promote good behavior.

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      Stop your pugs from fighting by feeding them in separate areas or at different times. Feeding your dogs at separate times can reduce the chance of fight. Keep one dog in a secure area while the other eats his meal. When the dog is finished eating, place him in another area and release the other dog for his meal.