Guide for a Cut and Clipping a Yorkie Puppy

A Yorkshire terrier, or Yorkie, is a miniature breed with long hair. Depending on the type of coat your puppy has, either cottony or silky, a short or long cut is traditional. A beautiful cut is part of the draw of owning these puppies, and keeping up with grooming is one of the responsibilities of ownership.
  1. Puppy Cut

    • The most popular cut for the coat of a young Yorkshire terrier is simply called the puppy cut. This cut is short and layered all around the puppy's head and body. The puppy cut is an alternative to a long cut, and is easier to care for. This cut is best for a puppy whose coat is soft and cottony, rather than silky, because it is easy to maintain.

    Coat Care

    • Yorkie puppies have either soft, cottony coats or silky coats. Those with silky coats may have long cuts and will require a different type of care than those with softer coats. Apply a detangling spray to the dog's coat after washing and use a ball pin brush. Only brush the coat when it's damp, never when dry, and never use a natural bristle brush. Yorkie puppies need daily brushing for their coats to stay smooth and to keep the hair from matting.


    • Yorkie puppies need bathing about once per week. It's acceptable, and best, to bathe your puppy any time it gets dirty, even if that is more than once per week. Remove any obvious snarls from the coat and any visible debris. Wet the coat and use a pet shampoo to clean it. Do your best to work the shampoo in without matting or knotting the coat. Rinse by pouring water down his back, then repeat with conditioner. Use a soft towel to dry your puppy, but leave the coat damp for brushing.

    Nail Care

    • Yorkie puppy nail care should take place after a bath, when the nails are softened. The nails may be trimmed and filed for the desired effect. Keep your puppy wrapped in a towel so you can control the dog more easily. Check one paw at a time and trim or file nails as necessary. Keep styptic poweder handy to stop the bleeding should you accidentally cut too close to the quick. If this happens, don't panic as it will only scare the puppy. Instead, be calm and continue with the grooming.