What Kinds of Jobs Would Allow You to Bring Your Dog to Work?

Having a dog is a responsibility. A dog needs to be fed, walked and entertained daily. If you want a dog you may be worried about keeping it locked up in a cage or alone all day while you are at work. If you can be lucky enough to land a position that allows employees to bring their dogs to work, then you can have the best of both worlds.
  1. Amazon

    • If you get hired to work at the Amazon headquarters in Seattle, Wash.; you can bring your dog to work regardless of your position. This laid-back company gives employees the option to bring dogs to work each day. If an employee wants to bring a dog, there are a few rules that must be followed. All dogs must be registered at the company. The dogs must also be house-trained and have all of their needed vaccinations. Dogs also must stay on a leash unless they are inside an employee's private office with the door closed.

    Dog Walker or Dog Sitter

    • If you have a love for your own dog and dogs in general, you may want to consider a career where dogs can be a part of your everyday routine. You can start your own business as a dog walker or a dog sitter. By doing this you will be paid to take care of the dogs of people who can not bring their pets to work and you will be able to keep your own pet close by at the same time. You can promote your business online or put up flyers in you neighborhood.

    Replacements Ltd.

    • If you live in the Greensboro, N.C., area and are interested in bringing your dog to work, you should apply for a job at the large china and glassware company Replacements Ltd. The company's owners believe that dogs give the workplace a nice atmosphere. All employees are responsible for their own dogs. Dogs must be kept on leashes and have all of their vaccinations. Workers must also be sure their dogs do not chew on company property or they could be held responsible.

    Other Dog at Work Situations

    • Some work places are testing the waters by allowing a once a year "bring your pet to work day." If you work in a company with a relaxed atmosphere, you can always suggest it and see what your boss and your co-workers think of the idea. If you work for a small company it may not be hard to get people to agree. Although a vast majority of work places do not allow dogs on site, remember that seeing-eye dogs are a different story. If you are visually impaired and qualified for a job, the company will make accommodations so that you can bring your seeing-eye pup to work each day.