How to Look After Japanese Akitas

The Japanese Akita, or Akita Inu, is a breed of large dog that originated in Japan. The breed is about 26 inches tall and weighs 70 to 120 lbs. The Japanese Akita are known for their loyalty and intelligence. They have a reputation as good guard dogs and have a lifespan of about 10 years. Like any breed of dog, the Japanese Akita has special needs that you need to be aware of.

Things You'll Need

  • Brush
  • Collar
  • Leash
  • Dish
  • Food
  • Nail clippers
  • Dog treats
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      Feed the Akita, but don't overfeed him. This should not be difficult as Akitas eat less than most other dogs of their size. Keep the Akita's food and water bowls separate from those of other pets, as the breed is territorial about food.

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      Socialize your Akita by spending time playing with him. Akitas need lots of exercise, especially if kept indoors. Walk an Akita at least once a day. An Akita on a leash can become confrontational with other dogs, especially dogs of the same gender, so keep a short leash and monitor your Akita's behavior around other dogs.

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      Groom your Akita. Its ample coat must be brushed frequently, especially in the summer shedding period.

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      Bathe your Akita. Akitas are quite clean and frequently groom themselves, but they still need a good bath from time to time.

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      Trim your Akita's nails at least once monthly.

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      Be firm with your Akita. He will respond well to authority, but without training, Akitas can become unruly.