How to Deal With Your Toy Poodle's Death

Toy poodles are small, but feisty and full of personality. When a beloved toy poodle dies, it leaves a huge hole in the lives of the people who lived with it. The stress of dealing with the death of a pet is often underestimated, and too often, people feel as if they should be able to get over it quickly. Most of the time, this isn't the case. You probably won't ever get over the loss of your toy poodle, but there are things you can do to make it easier.


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      Memorialize your pet. You won't ever forget the happiness your toy poodle brought to your life, so don't try. Instead, make some kind of memorial to your pet, such as an urn, or a hand-painted portrait from a picture, that you can look at every day. With time, looking at the memorial will make you smile.

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      Talk to people about your poodle. Not everyone understands the impact a pet's death can have, but if you've had dogs for a long time, you probably know some people who will understand. Share memories of your poodle with them.

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      Take time to grieve. Many people try to return to their normal routine after a beloved poodle dies, but for most, it's not the best way to deal with loss. Take some time off work or school if you can. Cry if you want. Grieving is a natural, normal process, and the only way out of it is through it.

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      Keep your poodle's things as long as you want to. Don't feel like you have to throw them out, even if other people tell you to. If you do want to get rid of them, give them to a humane society or another poodle owner.

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      Foster a dog. It may be too soon for you to consider owning another toy poodle or any other dog, but by fostering a dog, you help an animal in need while spending time with dogs. If your lifestyle and schedule allow it, try to get a puppy -- puppies put a smile on anyone's face and require so much care that you may find yourself forgetting to grieve for a few minutes.