How to Socialize a Pit Bull With a Child

Despite their reputations as aggressive, violent animals, pit bulls are generally sociable and friendly. They enjoy being around people, including children, but that does not mean you should just introduce the dog to a child and let nature take its course. When you want a pit bull and a child to socialize, you need to train the child just as much, if not more, than the dog. Approaching the dog with the right attitude makes it feel more comfortable and teaches the child how to handle animals.

Things You'll Need

  • Small dog treats
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    • 1

      Spay or neuter your pit bull. Doing this makes their behavior more stable and predictable, making it easier to introduce the pit bull to new people and environments.

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      Choose when the child approaches the pit bull. For example, never approach the dog from behind or while it is eating. Children may not understand this, so monitor the dog's behavior and tell your child explicitly when he is allowed to approach the pit bull.

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      Stay with the child as she approaches the dog. Sometimes pit bulls become too excited about meeting people and are so strong they may knock over small children. Stay close to the child and be prepared to support her.

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      Demonstrate the proper way to introduce yourself to the pit bull for your child. Extend your hand and hold it down in front of the dog's nose so it can smell you, then begin to gently pet the dog.

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      Give the child a small treat to offer the dog. Hold it under the dog's chin to prevent it from jumping up and knocking the child down.