How to Scare Off a Coyote

Coyotes are wild members of the dog family, and are found in every state in the U.S. except Hawaii, according to the Arizona Game and Fish Department. Weighing 15 to 30 lbs., the animals have become well adapted to living in cities, suburbs and rural areas. Unlike other wildlife, coyotes are not permanently displaced when their environment becomes developed; they simply adjust to their new habitat. Coyotes become a risk when they lose their natural fear of humans, and come to see their homes, pets and yards as food sources and safe havens.


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      Stay calm and don't approach a coyote. Running can stimulate the animal's chase instinct.

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      Pick up any children or small pets around you to protect them from the coyote. If you can, Slowly move toward an area with other people or a building.

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      Maintain direct eye contact with the animal to show your dominance.

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      Yell loudly to scare off the animal. Use a whistle, gun, blaring music or pots and pans to create loud noises. Coyotes are timid by nature, and usually run away if challenged.

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      Throw sticks or rocks at the coyote to encourage the animal to leave. If you are by a hose, you can spray the animal.