Provide the puppy with proper nutrition and veterinary care. Like all puppies, Belgian Malinois need to eat quality puppy food and have water available at all times. Consult your veterinarian and place your Malinois pup on a schedule to receive the recommended vaccinations and any other health-related care that your veterinarian deems appropriate.
Socialize your Malinois puppy right away. These dogs have strong territorial and protective instincts. Introduce them to as many people and new situations as possible while they are young (Reference 2, pg. 168).
Correct any displays of dominance in the puppy by firmly telling it "No." With any protective breed, you must show strong leadership, but you should not be harsh. Harsh treatment will create aggression in the adult dog (Reference 2 pg. 168).
Do not allow your dog to nip at your heels. Because the Belgian Malinois is a herding breed, many have a natural instinct to nip at the heels of people as they walk. If the puppy starts to nip, tell it "No" (Reference 2 pg. 168).
Make sure the puppy receives adequate exercise.