How to Coordinate a Candlelight Memorial Service for Dogs

Dogs are sometimes the closest family a person has, and many people cherish their pets as much as they would another person. After the death of a pet it may be difficult to cope with the loss, and a memorial service provides the opportunity to grieve, remember and celebrate the life of the beloved dog. It can also give a degree of closure to the pet parent and is often the start of the healing process.

Things You'll Need

  • Urn or casket with dog's remains (optional)
  • Photographs
  • Toys
  • Collar
  • Candles
  • Brown paper bags
  • String
  • Flowers
  • Music
  • Food and drink
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    • 1

      Choose a location in which to hold the memorial service. This could be a place that holds special meaning for you or brings back memories of your dog during its life.

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      Obtain permission, if necessary, to hold the event. A candlelight service is best held at night, and if you choose a favorite park or beach you may need authorization to be there after hours. Ensure that the location permits the use of open flames.

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      Invite others who share your grief to attend. Friends, family and other dog owners are likely to want to be there and may bring dogs that were friends of your pet.

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      Set up a viewing area. This could include an urn containing the dog's ashes, or a photograph if you do not have the pet's remains. Surround these with photographs of your dog during its happy times and mementos like its favorite toys and collar. Include flowers and candles if desired. Place these items where those attending can linger and pay their respects, remembering the dog's life and the love it shared with you.

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      Provide candles for the guests, or ask them to bring their own. Place each candle in a brown paper bag and tie the middle of the bag around the candle with string, half way up. This will create a "cup" in which to catch the melting wax and prevent it from burning your guests' hands, and will also protect the flame from wind.

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      Play music that is soothing and meaningful. This will help to set the mood for remembering your beloved pet and the times you spent together. You can also show a video or slide show compiled from scenes of the dog's life and the good times you had with your pet.

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      Prepare a short eulogy in which you bid farewell to your dog. Invite your guests to say a few words, prayers or to read a poem. If you plan to scatter your dog's ashes, do so after everyone wishing to speak has had a chance to say something.

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      Serve refreshments following the service. Food is a traditional aspect of memorial services. Make sure you have suitable treats for any dogs that attend.

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      Blow out the candles and, if you are in a public place, remove the display items and any garbage before you leave the location.