How Can I Convince My Husband to Let Me Get a Puppy?

There are fewer things cuter in this world than a puppy. A baby might be one, or perhaps your high school crush, but nothing is as loving, as loyal, as absolutely endearing as a puppy. However, cuteness alone is sometimes not enough to convince your husband to allow you to get a puppy. Sometimes it takes suitable tactics and persuasion to adopt what will become part of your family. Opening your husband's eyes to the benefits a puppy can bring could see you playing fetch with a puppy before you know it.


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      Initiate the puppy conversation. If your husband has had a dog before, remind him of all of his happy memories. If he never has, discuss your own experiences or those of your friends. Address what his concerns are so you know how to tactfully address them.

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      Find a local kennel. One of your husband's concerns may be what you will do with the puppy when you travel. Show your husband that you have already located your nearest kennel and assure him that the cost is feasible for you both.

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      Offer to walk the puppy regularly if space issues are a concern for your husband. Not everyone has a huge house or outdoor space, so make him confident that you will give the puppy the proper exercise and fresh air it deserves.

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      Reassure your husband that you will train the dog and put in as much time and effort as is necessary to bear the brunt of the hard work. Your husband may be worried that a dog takes a lot to mold, but make him aware that you will do whatever it takes to train the puppy to be a good pet.

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      Address any allergies your husband may have. If he is not sure, consult a doctor so you can learn together. It may be that he is allergic to short-haired dogs, so a longer-haired dog could be a simple, viable solution if you will be flexible in your selection. Likewise, a dog such as an American Hairless Terrier, which has no hair at all, could be a good solution if your husband is an allergy sufferer.