How to Leave Your Dog With Friends for Travel

You have big vacations plans for your family, but unfortunately, those plans do not include Fido. You do not want to spend any time worrying about your dog while you are on your trip; that would defeat the purpose of the vacation. Boarding your dog at a facility or hiring a house sitter are options, but some people don't feel comfortable with these choices. If you fall into this category, consider leaving your dog with a friend.


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      Select a friend that enjoys dogs and has an animal-friendly home and, preferably, securely fenced yard. Choose someone you trust that knows the basics of dog care and has the time to provide adequate attention while you are away.

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      Take your dog to visit your friend. The transition from your home to your friend's home will be less stressful if your dog is already familiar with the surroundings. Also, socialize your dog with your friend's pets, if she has any.

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      Supply your friend with some of your dog's items--bed, kennel, leash, collar, favorite toys, food bowl and an item of clothing that has your smell on it--which will help him feel comfortable. In addition, bring an adequate supply of your dog's specific food, as a sudden change in diet can upset his stomach.

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      Write down information that your friend can reference while you are away, including the name and phone number of your veterinarian and how to contact you while you are traveling. If your pet requires any medication, provide written instructions on dosage and administration. In addition, note your dog's habits and schedule.

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      Relax and enjoy your travels. You have entrusted a friend to take care of your dog, so you don't need to worry.

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      Show your appreciation to your friend for taking care of your dog. A gift, dinner out, or an offer to reciprocate somehow is a nice gesture and will ensure that your friend feels appreciated; and more likely to dog sit in the future.