How to Care for a Maltese Yorkie

A Maltese Yorkie is a cross between a Maltese and Yorkshire Terrier. Consequently, adult dogs are small animals weighing five to nine pounds. Maltese Yorkies are energetic and can be difficult to train because they are very intelligent. Taking care of them can prove to be a challenge for new pet owners. However, it is important to look after your Maltese Yorkie so it remains in good health, and a loyal companion.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog brush
  • Dog toys
  • Dry dog food
  • Canned dog food
  • Dog lead
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      Groom the Maltese Yorkie with a dog brush at least once every three days. Although they do not shed their coats you need to maintain the health of their coat by brushing out dead hair. It grows quickly and needs to be cared for.

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      Play with the dog. Maltese Yorkies are playful and energetic and are renowned for following their owners around. Keep the dog entertained using toys or walking it regularly to tire it out.

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      Feed the Maltese Yorkie three times a day. Give it three small meals consisting of dry and canned food. The canned food will add extra flavor to the dry biscuit and encourage the dog to eat. Maltese Yorkies can be fussy eaters and this will help avoid the problem.

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      Cut up the food thoroughly before you give it to the dog. Due to its small size it has been known to choke, so prevent this by chopping up the food.

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      Train the dog while it is less than 16 weeks old, as this is the most effective way of making it obedient. Morkies can be easily domesticated, but you need to train it so it listens to you. Get it to mingle with other people and dogs.

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      Take extreme care of your dog in public spaces. Maltese Yorkies are over-excitable and have a tendency to run off and get lost. Therefore, keep an eye on it and put it on a lead when it could escape, such as in a park.