How to Let Your Dog Know You Love Them

Dogs thrive on affection. Experts seem to be split on whether dogs can actually love in a sophisticated way. But whether you call it love or survival instincts, dogs are loyal and accepting--and you hold the treats and attention. In addition to setting up a regimen of exercise and interaction, there is more you can do to bring a sense of love and wonder into your dog's life.


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      Include your dog in family activities and you'll instill the idea that they're a valued member of the group. Most parks allow pets on leashes and some have special areas just for dogs. Not every occasion will permit you to bring your dog, of course, but look for opportunities to do so. In a strange city, a dog's urge to investigate will only intensify, meaning you may do more sightseeing and perhaps more interacting with the locals.

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      Buy your dog a new toy or treat every so often. A new type of treat when your pooch is being well-behaved will make him feel special and will also continue to reinforce good behavior. Though it may be tempting to give him scraps from the table, resist the urge. Instead, if you want to share a special treat with your dog, place the treat in the dog's dish so you don't have to break a begging habit later on.

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      Improve your dog's chances for living a long, healthy life by varying his exercise routine. You should already know that regular walks improve a dog's health, but there are dozens of other ways to keep Fido fit, like playing with a flying disk or fetching a ball.

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      Cuddle your pup like it cuddles with you. Dogs are social creatures and respond to contact just like humans. Dogs instinctively show affection toward the animals they perceive as dominant. Give your dog plenty of hands-on loving, such as petting, hugging and wrestling--if your dog is not overly aggressive and knows when to stop.

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      Talk to your dog in sweet tones or happy talk, unless disciplining him for bad behavior. Everyone knows it: talking one way sinks a tail, and another can set a tail wagging. Wagging tail equals happy dog. Talk to him often and play indoor games such as hide and seek, where you put him in a "stay," go hide, then call him.

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      Create a special place for your dog to relax, inside and out. Instinctively, dogs feel more comfortable in a cubby that provides security when trying to sleep or protection from the elements when lounging around outdoors.