Convenience and Choice
Dog food, treats, toys, beds, clothing, leashes, collars, tags and grooming products are all offered for sale a pet supply stores. Two of the biggest advantages to pet stores are convenience and choice. The large-scale retailers such as Petsmart, Petco and Pet Supermarket have the resources to purchase products in bulk, and, therefore, are in a position to offer their customers pet supplies and foods in a wide variety of brands and prices. It offers one-stop shopping for those who need to begin from the ground up to outfit their new companion animal. With everything from dog biscuits to fish food, these large retailers not only have a bigger variety of products, but competitive pricing, as well. The ability to use your credit card to make purchases is also a big advantage.
Goldfish sold for less than a quarter as "feeder fish" will grow to the size of a koi if placed in a large tank or pond. Another advantage to pet stores is pricing and memberships. Many pet store chains offer a membership number, usually associated with your phone number, that keeps track of your purchases and offers incentives to those loyal customers who bring them their repeat business. Some of these incentives originate from the pet-food company itself, as in the example of Nutro-Natural Choice, which sends a coupon for free food for every 10 units you purchase, while others originate from the pet store retailer, such as Pet Supermarket which offers coupons and incentives for each dollar spent.
Poor Quality
Healthy kittens are always available at your local shelter. Those who are thinking of purchasing a puppy from a pet store should think twice. As the U.S. Global Exotics case shows, animals that are bred and transported in large-scale breeding operations have become commodities that represent profit to the wholesalers and nothing more. As of 2011, there are five cities in the United States that have initiated an outright ban against pet stores that sell puppies and kittens. The public outcry over the conditions under which breeding pairs of dogs and their puppies must live in large-scale breeding operations called "puppy mills" has increased as celebrities such as Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, Ben Stein, Charlize Theron and others have become outspoken advocates on behalf of these animals. Other pets, such as exotics and so-called "pocket pets," hamsters, guinea pigs, mice, are also either raised in substandard conditions, transported in less-than-ideal circumstances or wild caught.
Retired rescued racing greyhounds have been dubbed the "45 mph couch potato." By patronizing pet supply stores that only sell supplies, consumers send a message to the retailers who offer live animals for sale that the public has become savvy to deceptive business practices, such as lack of full disclosure to consumers. Getting a pet from a breed-specific rescue organization such as The House Rabbit Society, poodle rescue groups, greyhound adoption organizations, ferret rescue and others has its own advantages as the buyer is not only rescuing an animal in need, but has the benefit of the expertise of those who have spent a lifetime learning about the specific animal with which they are involved and are happy to share that knowledge. So you are getting not only the best animal for your situation, but a mentor and expert who will ensure your new companion animal is a good fit for you and your partnership is a success.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Pet Stores
On December 15, 2009, an estimated 27,000 animals including mammals, reptiles, arachnids and amphibians were seized from U.S. Global Exotics, Inc., a Texas company that supplied exotic pets to pet stores including Petco and Petsmart. In a case that the watchdog group Pet-Abuse.com called the largest exotic animal cruelty case in history, many animals died because of lack of oversight and care. There is a controversy surrounding pet stores in America, and cases like this prove that where there is exploitation of animals, the potential for abuse runs high.