The Most Eco-Friendly Way to Dispose of Dog Waste

Your pet dog offers both companionship and joy, but along with these pleasant aspects of dog ownership comes the less-than-appealing responsibility of picking up Fido's waste. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), dog waste contains high amounts of bacteria and can potentially carry viruses and parasites. This makes it unsuitable for uses such as composting. The best and most eco-friendly way to dispose of the waste is to immediately throw it in the trash in a biodegradable bag.

Things You'll Need

  • Biodegradable waste bags
  • Antibacterial soap
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      Carry biodegradable bags with you each time you walk your dog. Inspect them before using them to make sure that they have no holes or tears.

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      Place your hand in one of the bags, after your dog does its business. Use the bag as a glove of sorts, making sure that the bag covers your entire hand.

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      Pick up the waste and turn the bag inside out. Do this slowly to ensure that all the waste stays in the bag and to prevent any from getting on your hand. Immediate removal of the waste from the ground prevents contamination of the soil and any nearby water.

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      Tie the bag tightly to prevent leakage and dispose of it in the nearest trash receptacle. If you're on a dog walking trail or other area frequented by dog walkers, look for receptacles designated for dog waste.