How to Take Care of Pit Bulls

Pit bulls are loyal and affectionate dogs that are good with children and adults. They are eager to make their owners happy and are almost always obedient. They make for great guard dogs because they are intelligent and highly protective. Pit bulls are stubborn by nature and need to be dealt with in a stern manner, which makes them not right for everybody. Caring for a pit bull can be easy and very gratifying, if done the right way.

Things You'll Need

  • Veterinarian
  • High-grade dog food
  • Dog bowl
  • Firm-bristle brush
  • Dog treats
  • Dog leash
  • Dog tag
  • Dog toy
  • Book on dog training (Recommended)
  • Dog nail clipper
  • Muzzle
  • Pinch collar
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    • 1

      Take your pit bull to the veterinarian as soon as you get it for all necessary shots and vaccinations to build up its immune system against diseases and infections. Get your pit bull checked annually.

    • 2

      Feed your pit bull only high-grade dog food. High-grade food consists of crude fat no less than 20 percent, crude protein no less than 30 percent, and fiber content has to be 4 percent or less. Another option is a raw meat diet, which must be monitored to ensure that your pit bull is receiving all the nutrients it needs. A raw meat diet should be thoroughly researched and discussed with a veterinarian.

    • 3

      Provide your pit bull with plenty of water. Clean and refill its water bowl every day.

    • 4

      Take your pit bull out a lot when it is young to expose it to people and other animals. Allow strangers to pet it and allow it to play with other animals. By socializing with others, the pit bull will develop an even temper.

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      Give your pit bull 30 to 45 minutes of exercise daily because pit bulls are an active breed. A good way of providing your pit bull and even yourself with exercise is by taking it on a morning run.

    • 6

      Start obedience training as early as possible. Pit bulls are a stubborn and dominant breed, which means you must make it known that you are the boss. Physical reprimand should always be avoided. You should teach the pit bull to be obedient simply by using your voice. Use positive reinforcement as well.

    • 7

      Use a firm-bristle brush to brush your pit bull's coat daily. Shampoo it when needed.

    • 8

      Research the health problems that the pit bull breed is prone to and learn what can be done to avoid these health problems.

    • 9

      Show your pit bull love and affection on a daily basis. Dogs that get neglected oftentimes act up.