Places to Take Dogs to Find a Mate

Dogs are creatures that prefer to live in packs. They desire playmates and other dogs with whom they can mate. Finding a mate for your dog can be difficult. However, you can take your dog to several different places in your community that welcome dogs. You can also consult with the people who work and volunteer at those places to get their input on dog-friendly places or on particular dogs.
  1. Dog Park

    • Dog parks are places where dogs of all sizes and ages can play with one another. Many people who do not have backyards or outside areas where their dogs can run bring their dogs to dog parks on a frequent basis. Other dog owners appreciate dog parks because they provide opportunities for their dogs to socialize with other dogs. At the park, your dog can play with the dogs that are there and may find one to be her mate. You could also talk with dog owners at the park to see if they have any advice on where you might find a mate for your dog.

    Animal Shelter

    • Animal shelters have many animals that are available for adoption. Consider visiting your local animal shelter to look for a mate for your dog. Some shelters will even let you bring your dog with you. Stroll through the shelter with your dog. Your dog may be drawn to a particular dog or group of dogs. Let your dog play with the dogs there. You can then adopt a new dog that appeals to both you and your dog.

    Dog Boarding Center

    • Many communities have stores that provide pet boarding services. For a fee, you can board your pet for a day or several months. The center or store will make sure that your pet is taken care of while you are away. Many boarding centers offer a daycare program as well. Typically your dog will have the opportunity to play with other dogs as a boarder or as a daycare attendee. Your dog might be able to find a mate at one of these centers.

    Veterinarian Office

    • Your dog's veterinarian is a good resource for finding a mate for your dog. Your veterinarian may be able to recommend places where you can bring your dog to find a mate. He may also be able to introduce you to dogs that could be good mates for your dog. Further, dogs tend to interact with one another in waiting rooms of veterinary offices. When your dog has its next medical checkup, let it sniff and play with other dogs in the waiting room (provided that they are healthy dogs and not sick or contagious). Your dog may be able to find a mate at the veterinarian's office or, at least, get a recommendation from the vet on where to find one.