The Best Ways to Take Care of Boxer Puppies

Boxers are an excellent family pet. They bring energy and playfulness to a family, and they make good companions for children as well. Boxer puppies are extremely energetic and playful. They absorb information at an early age and thrive when properly trained and cared for. Caring for a boxer puppy takes hard work, dedication and patience, but with the proper care, they will grow into loving family pets.
  1. Bringing the Puppy Home

    • Your boxer puppy should be around 7 to 12 weeks old when you bring them home. Prior to bringing the puppy home, you should already have water and food bowls, chew toys, a collar and a leash. You should also have flea and tick treatments and a crate. These items are crucial for creating an inviting and comfortable environment for your new puppy. When the puppy first arrives, try to continue feeding them the same food that the breeder or previous owner was feeding them. This will avoid stomach problems and you can slowly ween them off of the food and onto another brand over time. For the first few weeks, stay with the puppy as much as possible or make sure that the puppy has company if you cannot be there.

    Instestinal Worms

    • More often than not, puppies have intestinal worms. Intestinal worms can be taken care of easily through the application of a deworming treatment and a once-a-month visit to a veterinarian. Worms can be a relatively minor obstacle as long as they are taken care of. If the worms are not taken care of, they can lead to serious health and growth problems or even death.

    House Training/Exercise

    • Puppies have small bladders. Lay down newspapers in a "safe" room where if the puppy can play and have an accident, there is not much cleanup. Take the puppy for a walk or outside every one to two hours to ensure that they do not use the bathroom in the house. Whenever they use the bathroom outside, praise them. Boxer puppies need a lot of exercise. Whenever you take the puppy outside to use the bathroom, this time can double as play time. Let them walk around and throw a ball for them to chase.

    Obedience Classes

    • Boxer puppies must learn at an early age what is right and what. Boxer puppies can be somewhat difficult to train, and a few obedience classes may help you with the process. Obedience classes also will help your boxer puppy become socially adjusted and well behaved.

    Climate Control

    • Boxers must stay in climates of around 70 degrees. The breed does not do well with extreme climates. Make sure for cold weather that there are extra blankets around for your puppy. Keep the house cool in the summer to ensure that your puppy is comfortable.