Hotels Where You Can Leave Your Pets if You Are On Vacation or Away

You've planned your vacation, booked your tickets, found great accommodations and can't wait to get started. If you haven't planned a pet-friendly vacation, what options do you have for your pet while you're away? Aside from finding a pet-sitter or farming out the critter to your relatives or friends, you can board your pet at a pet hotel. Pet hotels provide friendly lodgings for animals when their owners need to leave them for short periods.
  1. PetSmart Pets Hotel

    • PetSmart Pets Hotel invites pet owners to check their dog or cat into the hotel for day care or overnight stays. The facility provides personalized care and attention to each pet, whether they stay in the hotel's standard atrium room or in one of the hotel's suites. Dogs' rooms include a "poochy cot" with a hypoallergenic lambskin blankets while rooms for cats have comfortable blankets and, if several cats from the same family stay in the hotel, connecting doors to allow the cats to socialize. All pet receive plenty of personalized Tender Loving Care from the hotel staff. Staff members walk the dogs daily and clean all pet rooms once each day. Pet owners can find PetSmart Pet Hotels in locations throughout the United States and Canada.

    Wag Hotels

    • Northern California's Wag Hotels offers boarding care for dogs and cats with services that include private Wag Rooms, delux suites and Kitty Condos. The pet hotel provides an all-day supervised play program where pets can play in a large playroom. Staff take the dogs on evening rooftop deck strolls and allow dogs who like water to exercise in the hotel's Wag pool. Owners can also book spa or grooming care for their pet. Wag hotels, in San Francisco and Sacramento, provide care seven days a week throughout the year.

    D Pet Hotels

    • D Pet Hotels of Hollywood California provides knowledgeable and well-trained staff who care for dogs in a selection of rooms and suites. The D Pet Hotels' rooms include elegant and comfortable beds, room decor and, in every room, a flat-screen TV. Dogs go outside each day to one of the hotel's dog parks to exercise and the owners can book spa treatments or a grooming session for their pooch. The hotel's exercise room allows dogs to work off extra pounds. Owners who want to request chauffeured service to pick up their dog or return the dog after a stay at the hotel may do so by reserving the service.

    Philly Pet Hotel

    • The Philly Pet Hotel, conveniently located near the Philadelphia International Airport, accepts dogs and cats for accommodations at their luxury pet hotel. The hotel provides a comfortable raised cot for each dog and takes dogs out for leashed walks three to five times each day. Cats have playtime at least once every day in the hotel's "cat condo." The staff cleans the cats' litter twice daily. Owners can create a personalized package of services for their pet and estimate the cost of their pet's stay at the hotel in advance of the booking by accessing the hotel's Services webpage.