How to Become Pet Foster Parents in Cambria County, Pennsylvania

Fostering a pet is selfless act that can not only help an animal in need but also be an extremely enriching experience for the family. Each year over five million dogs and cats enter shelters in the United States and over half of those animals will end up being euthanized due to lack of homes. By agreeing to foster a pet, you will be doing your part to decrease those numbers and make a difference in an animal's life.
  1. Shelter

    • Contact the Humane Society of Cambria County in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Explain to the clerk that you are interesting in serving as a foster parent for a cat or dog. Ask for referrals to other local animal shelters that may be in need of foster homes if the Humane Society does not have any current openings in their foster program.


    • Ask for the program details and provide your contact information. Remember that, unlike adoption, foster parents do not always get to choose the specific animal they will bring into their home. Narrow down the options by letting the clerk know if you would like a dog or cat and if you have any size or age preferences.


    • Visit the shelter and fill out all necessary paperwork. You will be asked to fill out an application that will help match you with an animal in need. Questions may inquire as to the size of your home, how many pets you are willing to foster, if you are able to take care of sick or injured animals, and how long you are available as a foster parent. Understand that you may be required to go through an interview process and training session and, in most cases, a shelter representative will need to visit your home to ensure you have adequate living arrangements for the foster animal.


    • Prepare your home for the pet by cleaning and making sure the rooms are safe for the pooch or kitty. Purchase ample pet supplies including a water bowl, food, toys and bedding. Cats will also need a litter box, cat carrier and scratching post while dogs will need outdoor space and a leash.


    • Drive to the Humane Society or animal shelter and pick up the pet. Introduce the animal to his new home and understand that it may take time for him to adjust. Consider adoption if you become attached to the animal while taking care of him.