Doggie Gifts for Dog Lovers

Dogs are among the most popular pets in the United States and many dog owners love getting gifts related to their pets. Serious dog owners love their pets and include them in most aspects of their lives, so gifts related to them are welcome. Gifts for dog fanatics include supplies to help them with their pet and memorabilia commemorating their canines.
  1. Supplies

    • Just about any dog lover would be thrilled to get some extra supplies for their pet. Supplies take a toll on the monthly budget of dog owners, so getting some help is welcome. Find out what type of dog food the gift recipient uses and buy them a bag. Think about buying the dog lover a bag or box of treats for their pet. If the dog has a monthly product it takes such as flea medication or supplement, think about getting it as a gift.

    Personalized Items

    • Many pet stores and other stores offer personalized items for pet lovers. You can get shirts, kitchen accessories, calendars and more to commemorate a dog lover's pet. Look for merchandise that represents the dog your friend has. Think about getting bumper stickers, magnets and other memorabilia that depict the dog breed of the recipient or an item with the name of their dog.


    • Dog owners need to have plenty of accessories for their pet. Food and water bowls, collars, nail trimmers and grooming products are among the possible accessories. Dog toys for chewing, fetching and running around are also good gifts. Many pet lovers with smaller dogs may even need a few wardrobe options for their canines. Think about getting booties or a sweater in the winter for a dog lover.

    Classes, Parks and Events

    • Dog enthusiasts love their pets and want to spend plenty of time with them, so getting them tickets to a dog-related event is a good idea. Many sports teams have days where pet owners can bring their dogs with them. Look into dog parks around the area and think about buying an annual membership pass for a gift. If you are giving the gift to someone interested in pursuing training their dog, look into enrolling them in a training class with their pet.