How to Care for a Jack Russell Puppy

Jack Russell Terriers are common household pets that were originally bred as hunting dogs. These small animals have a lot of energy and make great companions, showing unswerving loyalty, but they can provide some difficulty for new owners. Understanding how to properly care for and train your terrier will make your new ownership an easier undertaking for both you and your puppy.

Things You'll Need

  • Puppy crate
  • Fenced yard
  • Leash
  • Dog brush
  • Dog toys
  • Small dog bed
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      Invest in a crate. Believe it or not, all dogs were originally den animals and function better with a space of their own where they can completely relax. In addition to being a safe haven for your terrier the crate will also provide a place for you to house your terrier while you are away, ensuring that the dog stays relaxed and out of trouble. Use it sparingly however, if you are home leave the door open and let him out of the crate to be with you. It should not be a prison or place for punishment.

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      Place a small dog bed or blanket inside the crate to make the space more comfortable and enjoyable. Jack Russells usually require a bed that is about 18 to 24 inches in size.

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      Show your dog the items that belong to him. Introduce him to his bed, crate and any new toys and allow him to explore them. He may not play with the toys initially but you want him to understand the difference between things that belong to him and things that belong to you.

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      Walk your dog often and allow her to run freely inside a fenced yard. Play games with her and spend time each day helping to expel her energy. Bored dogs are trouble makers so exerting extra energy makes training easier. Make sure to always keep an eye on her -- Jack Russells have an inbred hunting nature that urges them to wander off in pursuit of prey regardless of boundaries you have set up. Make sure your dog is safe and behaving properly by keeping watch over her while outside at all times.

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      Consider taking several days off work when you first bring the puppy home. Jack Russells need a lot of attention and having time off will help you set up a routine that will work for the two of you. Decide what times of day are times for exercise, feeding, and sleeping and help your dog adjust to the new schedule.

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      Think twice before bringing a terrier into a family that already has a pet or another terrier. The hunting behavior of the small breed can make it aggressive towards other dogs and small animals, including cats or small mammals such as hamsters.

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      Prepare your children for interaction with the dog and make sure to stay in the room with them for their first few interactions. Though Jack Russells are great family pets they will not tolerate any type of abusive behavior, accidental or not, even from a small child. Keep this in mind, especially if you are planning on having another baby or have children under the age of six.

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      Groom the puppy regularly. This includes clipping nails, regular bathing, haircuts, and brushing. These dogs shed a lot but the more often you brush them the more hair removal happens in a controlled environment instead of on your clothes and furniture.

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      Invest in obedience training once your dog is old enough. Jack Russells are very intelligent and will continue to push the envelope for as long as you will let them. These dogs are often noted for training their owners, which stems from their natural aggression and wit. Obedience training helps assert your dominance and keep the dog under control in a happy and safe environment.