Places to Go With Your Dog

Much like their owners, most dog breeds do not like to be cooped up inside all day. They want to get out, explore and use their senses. While many establishments do not allow pets, there are still plenty of ways to get you and your dog out of the house to have a good time. Indoors or outdoors, you and your dog can find a good venue to spend some quality time together.
  1. Outdoors

    • There are plenty of places to take your dog to enjoy the outdoors. Most parks are dog-friendly, though you will want to check the rules to make sure before heading to the park of your choice. Some cities also have specific dog parks where your pet can run free, play fetch and interact with other dogs. To go to a dog park, your pet's vaccinations must be up to date.


    • Some restaurants and businesses also allow dogs. Check around your area to see if dogs are allowed. Some Starbucks coffee shops allow well-behaved dogs, and Chic-Fil-A even gives away dog treats. Pet stores are another place to take your dog where the pet can interact with other animals. You can try out new toys and accessories while meeting other people's pets in the process. This can be a great way to socialize your dog while getting out of the house.


    • Sports teams often run annual (or more frequent) promotions that let you bring your dog to the park and enjoy the game. Just like dog parks, your dog's vaccinations need to be up to date to be allowed into the stadium. If you are training your dog, you might also look into dog shows where your pet can show off his or her skills.


    • Many dogs love car rides, so a road trip can be a fun way to spend time with your pet. Some hotels are also pet-friendly, so if you choose to take a long trip, your dogs will be able to come inside your room with you. Look around your area for scenic areas to take your dog hiking, as dogs love the exercise and sometimes can participate without the nuisance of a leash. You can even set up a hiking trip far away and seek out hotels that will work for your pet.