How to Care for a Newly Adopted Puppy

Owning a puppy comes with a great deal of responsibility. Attention to detail, patience, and determination are all desirable characteristics of any new dog owner. When you bring home a new puppy to your family, you will need to perform some immediate tasks. As your puppy grows, new and challenging tasks follow. If you meet these challenges, your puppy will reach adulthood by emerging as a happy and well-trained dog.


    • 1

      Take your puppy to the veterinarian. Request a new puppy exam and acquire all vaccinations, heartworm and other de-worming medications. Do this as soon as possible to assure your puppy is healthy.

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      Provide your puppy with necessities. Purchase the following items: crate, bedding, puppy food, water and food bowls, puppy toys.

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      Feed your puppy the recommended amount of food each day. Suggested food amounts are found on the back label of most dog food containers, but it's always best to ask your vet because portions may differ depending on breed.

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      Set out a bowl of water for your puppy. Make sure you leave water at your pup's disposal and allow him to drink freely during the day.

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      Perform puppy hygiene. Wash and dry your puppy with puppy shampoo. Brush your puppy's coat to keep it healthy.

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      Train your puppy to potty outside. Choose a preferred area you wish your puppy to relieve himself. Every time your puppy eats and drinks, wait a few minutes, and take him to the desired area. Once your puppy does his good deed, consistently reward him with a puppy treat. Take him out often and at regular intervals. Young puppies cannot hold a lot of urine, and often when they realize they have to go outside, it's too late.

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      Socialize your puppy, but only after all necessary shots have been received. Take him around other properly trained dogs to play. Allow friends to bring their dogs with them into your home. Bring your puppy with you on trips and other family outings.

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      Spay or neuter your puppy. Call your veterinarian to discuss having this procedure done, since a vet will determine when the puppy has reached the optimal age to undergo the procedure.

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      Give your puppy lots of love and attention. Make time, every day, to spend with your puppy. Reassure him when he needs it. Many puppies can be timid since they just left their mothers and are in a new home surrounded by strange people and smells. Take the time to help your puppy feel loved.