How to Look for Hound Puppies for Hunting in North Carolina

Hound dogs are traditionally used as hunting dogs, so picking a hound breed as your newest puppy can provide you with a hunting companion for years to come. North Carolina hunting includes large game such as black bears and deer, as well as small game such as rabbits, squirrels and quail. Hounds are known for their usefulness in both large and small game hunting, their stamina and their piercing howl, which can help efficiently track down animals. There are many varieties of hound breeds that are known for being excellent hunting dogs, so it is important to pick a breed that you like.


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      Look on the website of the American Kennel Club, also known as the AKC, to find dog events in your area of North Carolina. You want to attend an event known as a field test or hunting test to find people or kennels who breed hound dogs.

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      Attend a field test, hunting test or dog competition in your area of North Carolina. Talk to people at the competition about locating hound puppies for hunting. Read the signs that people place on bulletin boards at the events. Word of mouth, and getting to know dog breeders, is the best way to locate a quality hound puppy.

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      Visit breeders and kennels to get a feel for the type of dog that you want to have. There are many different breeds of hounds, such as basset hounds, bloodhounds, American foxhounds, coonhounds, plotts and salukis. Some of these breeds make baying noises when hunting or when at home, which may not be to your liking because of the loud noise. You need to experience the breed to decide whether it is the right one for you, because the hound will be a pet as well as a hunting companion.

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      Look for puppies that have paperwork and pedigrees to make sure that you are getting a pure-bred hound puppy. Puppies can be registered with the AKC to provide assurance that the breed is pure. Pure-bred hound dogs will exhibit traits specific to the hound, which means that you have a good idea that the grown dog will exhibit characteristics of a good hunter.

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      Look online at websites such as Craigslist and the AKC to find hound breeders in North Carolina if you are unable to go to dog shows and events in the area. You will still need to visit the dogs to make sure that they are healthy before purchasing one.