How to Care for Newborn Yorkshire Terriers

Yorkshire Terriers, or "Yorkies" were first known as working class family dogs until the Victorian era when the breed became a favorite among royalty. Like all newborn puppies, Yorkshire Terriers need to be carefully nurtured during the first three weeks after birth. This critical period is when the puppies begin to gain weight, open their eyes, get a feel for their environment and are able to venture away from the whelp box and care of its mother.

Things You'll Need

  • Newspaper
  • Whelp box
  • Water dish
  • Dog toys
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      Monitor the weight of your newborn Yorkshire Terrier. Puppies should double their weight in their 10th day of birth. Hydrate and feed the mother so she has enough fluids and nutrients to produce a milk supply for the newborn pups. Poor weight levels can be a result of poor nutrients, which can cause the puppy to be Hypoglycemic. Hypoglycemia causes weakness, weight loss and fainting and can be fatal if left untreated.

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      Offer your terrier puppy some dog toys, and leave a shallow dish of water when they are around three weeks old. Dog toys can be a good way to relieve irritated gums affected by teething.

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      Remove the whelp box door to let the terrier puppy explore and relieve themselves when the pup is about three weeks old. Set up a newspaper area twice the size of the whelp box as its area to eliminate feces and urine. Keep the whelp box smelling fresh. This will help the puppy distinguish his home from his bathroom area.