How to Care for Male Shih Tzu Puppies

The shih tzu, originally from Tibet, is a friendly and fun-loving breed of dog, making it a good companion for dog lovers young and old. Shih tzus are usually non-aggressive and make friends with almost every person they meet. If you are looking into getting a shih tzu puppy, you have to decide if you want a boy or girl. The male vs. female dog debate is a long and heated controversy as each gender has its pros and cons. If you do choose to get a male shih tzu puppy it will require some specialized care.


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      Groom your shih tzu puppy regularly. This includes washing them. Place a bath towel in the bottom of a sink so that the puppy doesn't slip around. Soak it with warm -- not hot -- water. Shampoo the dog's body and rinse it, and then use a soft sponge to work shampoo into the puppy's head. Use a cup to rinse the soap out of the hair of its head and be careful to avoid the eyes. Use a dog brush to gently brush the dog's fur and a blow dryer on its lowest heat to dry the dog.

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      Take the puppy to the groomer to get haircuts. Shih tzus have naturally long hair that needs to be trimmed regularly. It is best to leave this to a professional groomer.

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      Use eye drops to clean the puppies eyes. This particular breed of dog has large eyes that can easily be contaminated by dust and hair. You can use gentle human eye drops for this or ask a veterinarian about special eye drops for dogs.

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      Consider getting your puppy neutered. If you do not plan to breed shih tzus, you may want to get your dog neutered. Male dogs that are not neutered tend to be more aggressive and they run away more looking for female dogs in heat.