How to Care for a Tiny Yorkie

The Yorkshire Terrier, a breed of dog best known for its small size, usually weighs less than 7 lbs., with small erect ears and a long, silky coat of fur. These tiny dogs are a popular choice for a pet, beloved for their energetic, brave, loyal and clever temperament. As with any other type of pet, Yorkie dogs require a special care routine which is important for you to follow to ensure optimal health and happiness for the dog.


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      Feed the dog properly. A Yorkie dog requires different amounts of food and feeding times depending on its age. Between four and seven weeks old--the age breeders typically sell new puppies at--it should be fed on demand. Between three and six months it should start following a scheduled meal plan with three to four meals a day, and at the age of six months on the dog should need no more than two meals a day, once in the morning and once at night.

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      Walk the dog regularly. All animals need exercise, and Yorkshire Terriers are especially active, vital little dogs who crave getting outside for walks and playing. Although Yorkie dogs are suitable for smaller homes including apartments, and do not necessarily require a yard, the more often you can get the dog outside for a walk or just to throw a ball around, the better. Regular exercise helps ensure optimal health for the dog and prevents it from developing behavioral problems.

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      Groom the dog. Yorkies have long coats of fur which can become tangled and oily if not properly taken care of. Although they do not typically shed, proper grooming of a Yorkie includes bathing it at least once a week, getting its fur and nails trimmed regularly, and brushing its teeth on a regular basis to prevent gum disease and other dental problems.

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      Bring the dog near other dogs and people for socialization purposes. Whether you take it to a local dog park or have a friend come over with their pet to visit, allowing a Yorkie dog to socialize and interact with other humans and animals helps to keep it happy and avoid behavioral problems like barking and biting.

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      Take the dog to the vet for regular check ups. Yorkies are prone to eye infections, tooth decay, and often have a delicate digestion system. By bringing your dog to the vet for routine check ups, any diseases can be detected and treated early.