How to Prevent Dog Urine From Ruining Your Lawn

A lush, green and fresh cut lawn is enjoyable and it can improve the looks of your property. Its also one of your dog's favorite places, too. Your family dog can run, play, roll around -- and go to the bathroom -- on a your lawn. A high concentration of nitrogen in your dog's urine also can ruin the lawn, causing brown spots surrounded by faster-growing blades of grass. You can do several things to keep dog urine from ruining your lawn.


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      Mow your grass higher than normal. Short cut grass doesn't stand much of a chance against dying and turning brown when saturated by dog urine. Longer, higher cut grass has more ability to filter out the salts and nitrogen in your dog's urine so your lawn will stay healthy.

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      Flush a fresh patch of your lawn saturated with dog urine, using fresh water. Fresh water helps disperse and dilute the dog urine and gives your lawn a better shot at remaining lush and full.

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      Create a small area in your yard of mulch or wood chips and train your dog to go to the bathroom there. This is a long-term solution to help prevent dog urine from ruining your lawn.

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      Walk your dog around the neighborhood. Instead of allowing the dog to go outside on your grass, go for a walk and allow the dog to sniff out other spots to go to the bathroom.

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      Talk to your veterinarian about the best way to prevent your dog's urine from causing brown spots in your lawn. Your pet's vet is your best resource.