How to Post Pet Classifieds

If you have a pet that you can no longer care for or have found a homeless animal that you can't keep yourself, a pet classified ad can be a useful way to find the creature a new home. When written carefully, these ads can be very effective. You may have lots of competition, however, so you should take steps to provide the most informative advertisement possible. Letting prospective buyers know exactly what you have will ensure that you get the best responses.

Things You'll Need

  • Detailed description
  • Pictures
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    • 1

      Locate your target audience. The most effective place for your ad will probably be in a local newspaper. You may also want to explore websites that host online classifieds. If your local pet shelter, veterinary office or kennel puts out any kind of newsletter, this may be another good avenue for advertising your pet. The key is to find people in your area who are interested in animals.

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      Contact the site or publication that you want to post your ad with and find out how many words you can include, as well as whether or not you have the option of including a picture. If you are able to and can afford it, a picture will greatly increase your responses.

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      Write an informative title or first line for your classified ad. "Dog looking for new home," isn't as useful as "2-year-old golden retriever seeking active, playful family."

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      Include as many details as possible. Prospective pet owners want to know the breed, size, sex, age and temperament of the animal. They also want to know if it has had its shots and is spayed or neutered. Provide information on the pet's most charming characteristics. If you're trying to sell a cat that greets you at the door, a dog that is very well trained or a bird that can talk, these are important selling points.

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      Take several good pictures of the animal. Include one with the ad if you can; even if you can't post a picture within the classified ad, you should still have some good shots on hand. The first thing most people will ask for are photos, so you should be prepared to email these to prospective buyers.