How to Pick a Dog to Match Our Dog

Picking a second dog to add to your family proves tricky in many households. Dogs should match each other in terms of temperament, play styles and energy levels for best results. Ensure that your current dog is open to the idea before moving on with your plan to introduce a new dog to the home. Do this by visiting a dog park, taking your dog on walks where he will meet new dogs or getting together with a friend who also owns a dog. Observe your dog's reactions to the new animal and give him time to acclimate himself to the idea of a second dog in his environment.


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      Choose a dog of the same breed as your current dog. This increases the likelihood that both dogs will have traits common to the breed and thus get along with each other better.

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      Pick a dog of roughly the same age as your current dog. It does not have to be the exact age but an elderly dog is unlikely to appreciate having a young pup running circles around it and yipping all day long.

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      Find a dog whose energy level matches that of your current dog. For instance, border collies and Brittany spaniels are both sociable, friendly dogs with very high energy levels. These dogs may enjoy one another while playing and running around together.

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      Stick with a purebred dog to maintain better control over the temperament of the dog you bring in to your home. While there are many good points to mixed breed dogs, they bring with them a more uncertain pedigree and personality than a purebred.