List of Supplies When Adopting a Puppy

If you've decided to adopt a puppy, it's best to have all the supplies ready when you bring your new dog home. Don't wait until after your new puppy is home to purchase the necessities. Optional supplies like toys, beds and shampoos can wait, but you'll need certain items right away.
  1. Food

    • Purchase food for your new puppy. You can even buy dog foods and treats designed especially for puppies. If you don't want to use dishes you already have, buy a dog food bowl and dog water bowl, too.

    Collar and Leash

    • Buy an adjustable collar and leash for your new pup. The collar should fit snugly and leave room for growth, and the leash should be moderately short---under six feet.

    ID Tags

    • Even if you haven't decided on a name for the new puppy, purchase an ID tag. At the very least, it can display a phone number for people to call if they find your puppy. Most pet stores have an engraving machine for this purpose.


    • Puppies also love toys, so you may want to purchase some chew toys, stuffed animals, balls and other fun items for your new puppy.

    Beds and Carriers

    • Dog beds and carriers also come in handy with a new puppy. The bed offers a place for the new puppy to settle in and feel safe in a new environment, and the carrier will come in handy for car rides and vet visits.