Australian Silky Terrier Temperament

With any dog, temperament is key to a happy home. Knowing the quirks and foibles of a pet will mean the difference between misery and harmony. The silky terrier, also known as the Sydney terrier or Australian terrier, is no different.
  1. Personality

    • Silky terriers are happy go lucky dogs, very attached to their owners and affectionate. High energy animals, they are playful and sometimes bossy. They are sociable and lovable, and good with children.


    • The silky terrier is an inquisitive, mentally quick dog. Very intelligent, it learns quickly and often needs distraction to keep its active mind busy.


    • Small dog syndrome, wherein a small animal's bad behavior is tolerated due to its size to the extent wherein it believes it is the pack leader, is a problem with the silky terrier. Because the animal has a quick mind, training is easy.

    With Other Pets

    • Cohabitation with other dogs is easy for the silky terrier, though cats may require some acclimation and training. Small animals, like rodents, don't mix well with the silky terrier as it has hunting and a strong prey drive.


    • A high energy breed, the silky terrier is prone to business. It will dash about, checking out the house. An enthusiastic digger and chaser, silky terriers need plenty of exercise.